Mediterranean Garden Society

Sparoza - Aloe Bed

The photograph at the top of this page shows the Aloe Bed in April (Photo Lucinda Willan)

The Aloe Bed runs down the edge of the Phrygana on the eastern boundary of the garden and is either one of the most understated or dramatic areas of the garden depending on the season. A river of Aloe maculata is interspersed with Ptilostemon chamaepeuce and Cercis siliquastrum. The aloes form a low carpet of greeny-purple stars which is transformed into a blaze of fire in April and May when the bright-orange waist-height inflorescences appear.


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1. Bauhinia
2. Crocosmia
3. Eriocephalus africanus
4. Prunus dulcis
5. Plumbago auriculata
6. Salvia microphylla
7. Rosmarinus officinalis
8. Euryops linearis
9. Teucrium fruticans 'Azureum'
10. Euphorbia dendroides
11. Agave americana 'Variegata'
12. Ptilostemon chamaepeuce
13. Cercis siliquastrum
14. Euonymus japonicus
15. Podranea ricasoliana
16. Kleinia ficoides formerly Senecio ficoides
17. Iris unguicularis
18. Euphorbia characias
19. Acanthus hungaricus formerly A. balcanicus
20. Aloe sp.
21. Rosa sp.
22. Ballota acetabulosa
23. Brachychiton sp.
25. Brachychiton populneus
26. Iris × germanica
28. Phlomis fruticosa
29. Bulbine frutescens
30. Rhamnus alaternus
31. Yucca elephantipes
32. Juniperus communis
33. Lavandula dentata
34. Limoniastrum monopetalum
35. Cereus hildmannianus 'Monstrose'
36. Lantana camara
37. Opuntia microdasys
38. Echinopsis sp.
39. Teucrium sp.
40. Agave americana
41. Opuntia ficus-indica
42. Austrocylindropuntia subulata
43. Olea europea
44. Genista
45. Eucalyptus globulus
46. Ulmus parvifolia

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