Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden Society (MGS) acts as a focus for everyone who has a special interest in the plants and gardens of mediterranean-climate regions. The MGS is a non-profit-making association founded in Greece in 1994 and now has members throughout the world. Branches of the society organise meetings and activities locally. The MGS is a place for discussing mediterranean plants, cultivated and wild, as well as every aspect of gardens and gardening in a mediterranean climate. The society publishes a quarterly journal The Mediterranean Garden with articles contributed by its members. The garden at Sparoza, just outside Athens, is managed by the society to demonstrate gardening that is in sympathy with the natural surroundings and our philosophy of waterwise gardening. MGS members may also join in the Seed Exchange.

The photos at the top of this page show spring blooms at Sparoza garden: Fritillaria raddeana, Bartlettina sordida, Euphorbia dendroides, Globularia alypum, Thapsia garganica, Fritillaria obliqua, Prunus dulcis, Freesia viridis, Ferraria crispa (Photos Lucinda Willan)

What's On
All MGS members are welcome to attend events held by any branch, annual meet-up, AGM, General Assembly, excursion or Zoom talk wherever they may be. Here is our current programme of forthcoming events around the world.
In Bloom Now
With nearly 1,000 different plants in the collection, you can always find something in bloom in the MGS garden at Sparoza. Lucinda Willan, Head Gardener at Sparoza, shares her favourite plants as they come into flower throughout the year.
Join the MGS Now
The Mediterranean Garden Society welcomes everyone interested in the plants and gardens of mediterranean-climate areas. Members receive quarterly journal The Mediterranean Garden, join a branch and the Seed Exchange.
Sparoza Bulbs
Head Gardener Lucie Willan has complied this collection of bulbs that bloom in the MGS garden at Sparoza by month throughout the year. For Lucie, bulbs are the shooting stars of the plant world, often fleeting but completely magical.

Seed List - January 2025
MGS Seed Exchange has nearly 500 varieties available to Members. Chantal Guiraud thanks the generous donors who added 122 new species to the list. They come from Australia, Belgium, Costa Rica, France, Greece, Malta, Spain and USA.
Journal TMG 119
The secrets of bulbs that brighten our winter days are uncovered in this edition. We travel to Japan and view the ultimate waterwise Zen gardens. We also tour the idiosyncratic gardens of a cliff-top villa in the south of France.
AGM April 2025
The 2025 AGM will be held in the Peloponnese. The programme promises an amazing trip to make the best of the historical sites and abundant wild flora across a range of locations as we explore the ‘Three Fingers’ of the peninsula.
MGS in the News
Charles Quest Ritson writes about Sparoza Garden in January's Country Life magazine. “There is nothing to match the MGS’s garden at Sparoza anywhere in the world. How I wish more people knew about Sparoza.”

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