Mediterranean Garden Society

The MGS Garden at Sparoza

Sparoza is an experimental garden on the outskirts of Athens created by Mary Jaqueline Tyrwhitt, who was an early advocate for choosing plants to suit the conditions. For 20 years until her death in 1983, Tyrwhitt grew plants not just from Greece but from further afield, including South Africa, California, Mexico and Australia - as long as they could thrive in Athens' savage summers. Jaqueline Tyrwhitt bequeathed the garden to the Goulandris Natural History Museum.

Sally Razelou was the Custodian for nearly thirty years until her death in March 2021. She was one of those who conceived the idea of establishing the Mediterranean Garden Society, which now sponsors Sparoza.

The MGS is seeking to fill the position of Head Gardener at Sparoza to carry on the spirit of experimentation and plant collecting. Details here.

Sparoza visits

The Sparoza Garden is open again for the September 2024 to July 2025 season. Please make your bookings well in advance by email.

The garden is open to members and non-members on Tuesday and Friday mornings only, with tours commencing at 10:30. Non-members are requested to give a donation of 15 euros in cash at the garden. Visitors can buy plants from the nursery at the end of the tour. The garden is closed at the weekend apart from the biannual Open Day/Plant Sales and special workshops which will be advertised.

Special tours can be arranged for groups of up to 25 participants which can also include light refreshments. We look forward to seeing you.



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