Mediterranean Garden Society
The cover drawing of two acacias, A farnesiana (left) and A.saligna (right), is by Veronica Hadjiphani-Lorenzetti.
The photograph at the top of this page shows Iris ‘Sea Power’ as seen at the specialist nursery Iris Umbria during the MGS trip to Lazio and Umbria (Photo Iris Umbria)
Caroline Harbouri, Editor
From the President: Exciting Times Ahead
A Garden of a Lesser God
Ann Semaan Beisch
A Native Mediterranean Garden
Heidi Gildemeister
Hibiscus Species
John Joynes
A Generous Seed Donor
Chantal Guiraud
The Story of a Non-Grass ‘Lawn’
Kate Marcelin-Rice
Remembering a Garden on a Greek Hillside - Sparoza 1979-80: Part 1
Graham Kendall
Sparoza, A Mediterranean House in its Mediterranean Garden
Margaret Lim Zafiropulo
Guilty or Not Guilty?
Freda Cox
A Novice Growing a Vegetable Garden in Edinburgh
Stelios Deverakis
RHS Plant Trials
Sabatino Urzo
MGS Excursion to Lazio and Umbria 2018: A Purely Personal Perspective
John Joynes
The Contributors
The cover drawing of two acacias, A. farnesiana (left) and A. saligna (right), is by Veronica Hadjiphani-Lorenzetti.
THE MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN is the registered trademark of The Mediterranean Garden Society in the European Union, Australia, and the United States of America