Mediterranean Garden Society
The cover illustration of the leaves and flowers of Eucalyptus pauciflora,
E. gunnii and E. camaldulensis is by Veronica Hadjiphani-Lorenzetti
The photo at the top of this page shows Valerie Whittington’s garden in Crete surviving her long absence
(Photo Valerie Whittington)
Caroline Harbouri, Editor
From the President: Creating a Gardening Culture
Château Pérouse
Jan-Willem Vos
A Study Trip to the Mediterranean
Kirstin Kelly
Prejudices and Being a Gardener
John Harwood
Return to Crete
Valerie Whittington
Returning to My Garden
Doris Stanger
The Spekboom Challenge
Sue Wake
Gardening in Corfu
Clare Doig
Seasons in a California Garden
Katherine Greenberg
Ode to A Thistle: The Globe Artichoke in Greece
Stelios Deverakis
Some Seed Suggestions
Chantal Guiraud
What Do I Get for Being a Member of the MGS?
John Joynes
MGS Branches
The Contributors
Index to Volumes 99-102
THE MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN is the registered trademark of The Mediterranean Garden Society in the European Union, Australia, and the United States of America