Mediterranean Garden Society

The MGS Charter

The photograph at the top of this page shows a group of MGS members attending the AGM tour in Athens in November 2022 (Photo Sibylle Mattern)

A copy of the MGS Charter as amended can be found in Greek here and translated into English here.

The Charter amendments which the General Assembly resolved upon in November 2022 have been approved by the Court and are in full effect. The AC would like to thank the team at Watson Farley & Williams who worked on the complex approval process on a pro bono basis, Caroline Davies and Jane Taniskidou who put so much effort into getting the resolution passed by the appropriate majority, as well as Jill Yakas, Janet Harley and many others who worked so hard to get the minutes signed after the 2022 General Assembly.
The revised Charter allows participation and voting on a remote basis, so members can participate and vote without having to travel. This does not mean that we will not have AGMs - simply that the General Assembly does not need to be tied to the AGM, and so the AGM can take place whenever it suits our members.

As the financial year has now moved to match the calendar year, all General Assemblies from 2025 onwards must be held on or before 30 April (after the end of the financial year), not in November. The General Assembly in November 2024 was the last Autumn General Assembly (and related only to the three-month transitional period from 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023). The next General Assembly, which includes AC elections, will be held on Sunday 27 April 2025 at 11am (Athens time), and will be conducted entirely online.

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