A Gallery of Aloes
The photograph at the top of this page shows Aloe andongensis in the Mount Coottha Botanic Garden, Brisbane (Photo Wiki Commons)
Mediterranean Garden Society member Andrew Sloan, who gardens in southern Spain, has a magnificent collection of aloes which he has photographed for us as a resource for all those interested in growing and identifying this eye-catching genus. In his article on aloes in The Mediterranean Garden Andrew describes how he has planted aloes as part of his succulent garden. He also lists the different categories into which aloes are divided with their meanings. These categories are used in the descriptions he gives of each species.
Click or tap on pictures to enlarge.
Aloe andongensis
Aloe arborescens
Aloe arborescens
Aloe arenicola
Aloe austroarabica
Aloe brevifolia
Aloe broomii
Aloe buhrii
Aloe bulbillifera var paulianae
Aloe camperi
Aloe castanea
Aloe chabaudii
Aloe cheranganiensis
Aloe ciliaris
Aloe claviflora
Aloe dichotoma
Aloe divaricata
Aloe dorotheae
Aloe dyeri
Aloe elegans
Aloe elgonica
Aloe ellenbeckii
Aloe ferox
Aloe ferox
Aloe fosteri
Aloe framesii
Aloe gariepensis
Aloe grandidentata
Aloe grisea
Aloe helenae
Aloe humilis
Aloe immaculata
Aloe jacksonii
Aloe jibisana
Aloea juvenna
Aloe karasbergensis
Aloe khamiesensis
Aloe krapohliana var dumoulinii
Aloe lateritia var graminicola
Aloe maculata
Aloe marlothii
Aloe melanacantha
Aloe nyeriensis
Aloe peckii
Aloe pendens
Aloe perfoliata
Aloe perryi
Aloe pillansii
Aloe plicatilis
Aloe prinslooi
Aloe prinslooi
Aloe pseudorubroviolacea
Aloe reitzii
Aloe rubrodonta
Aloe rupestris
Aloe secundiflora
Aloe secundiflora
Aloe sinkatana
Aloe striata
Aloe striatula
Aloe suprafoliata
Aloe thraskii
Aloe thraskii
Aloe tormentosa
Aloe vaombe
Aloe variegata
Aloe vera
Aloe vogtsii
Aloe wickensii
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